Rules - Movement
The following defines the maximum movement allowed in a movement phase (C).
Troop Type | Line | Column | Rout |
Close Order Foot | 6" | 9" | 12" |
Open Order Foot | 9" | 12" | 15" |
Light Cavalry | 15" | 18" | 21" |
Generals/Couriers | 21" | 21" | 21" |
Wheeled Equipment | Limbered | Deployed | Rout(Crew Only) |
Light Guns | 9" | 3" | 12" |
Medium Guns | 6" | 2" | 12" |
Heavy Guns | 3" | 1" | 12" |
Galloper Guns | 12" | 3" | 12" |
Grasshopper Guns | 12" | 21" | 21" |
Howitzers | 9" | 3" | 21" |
Wagons | 6" | NA | NA |
Effects of terrain as % of normal speed or proportion of a move
Terrain Type | C.O. Foot | O.O. Foot | Mounted | Wheeled |
Rough ground | 66% | 100% | 66% | 33% |
Gentle Slopes | 66% | 100% | 66% | 33% |
Steep Slopes | 33% | 66% | 33% | NA |
Open Woods | 66% | 100% | 66% | 66% |
Dense Woods | 33% | 66% | NA | NA |
Swamps | 33% | 66% | NA | NA |
Fords | 66% | 66% | 66% | 33% |
Crossing fences or walls | 1/2 | 1/2 | 1 | 1 |
Crossing streams | 1/2 | 1/2 | 1 | 2 |
Entering buildings | 1/2 | 1/2 | NA | NA |
Leaving buildings | 1 | 1/2 | NA | NA |
(a) Where NA is shown the troop type cannot move in that situation
(b) To change formation from line to column or v.v. neither base in the unit may move further than a line move into the new formation.
(c) Deploying or limbering guns takes a whole move stationary.
(d) Retiring and maintaining facing deduct 3" for foot, 6" for mounted and 1" for guns.
(e) Units may change face up to 45° with no penalty, but more than that takes a whole move
(f) Wheeling should be done around a 3" diameter circle, measuring the distance moved by the outermost base.
(g) For terrain effects grasshopper guns are treated as close order foot
(h) If wagons rout they become immobilised for the rest of the game.
(i) Any non routing unit passing through another deducts 3" for foot and 6" for mounted.
Changing Facing
To allow for the effect of alternative movement the firing player may change the facing of any unit after movement in order to fire or receive a charge. It cannot do this if an enemy unit is within charge reach of its current facing.
To change facing the unit remains in its current formation and rotates up to 180o around the centre point of the unit. If the desired rotation cannot be made due to either an obstacle or other units then the unit cannot change facing.
Road Bonus (optional)
Any unit in column that moves its full move distance along a road may add an additional 3" if does not pass within 24" of any enemy unit.
Second Cavalry Charges
This reflects cavalry's ability to exploit any breakthrough. Note that any target of a second cavalry charge cannot change facing to meet the charge, but it can fire at the cavalry if it could not have fired in the firing phase. If the cavalry do not opt to charge then they cannot fire.
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