Wednesday, 25 November 2009

French Revolution variant completed

After another play test last week the rules have now advanced to a stage where I can publish them. They can be found with my other rules over on esnips.

Some changes could be easily applied to the AWI such as inspirational commanders, Tarleton immediately comes to mind. Note that although this boosts the morale of the unit he is attached to, it does make him more likely to be killed!!

The terrain chart is a new attempt to find a better system as I am not that keen on predictable penalties.

The typical size forces I am using in games is 10/14 infantry, 4/6 cavalry and 2/3 artillery units.

Saturday, 21 March 2009

SYW Regimental Variant

Given the small scale of the Hetzenberg Battle I was asked to fight recently I decided to run it at roughly a double scale to my normal SYW games, i.e. 48 figure units rather than 24. I had debated using either the rules from "Charge" or "The War Game" directly, but I decided on a variant of my AWI/SYW rules, but still influenced by them.

An infantry regiment is made up of 4 companies each of 2 infantry bases (standard AWI unit), the cavalry has 3 squadrons each of 2 bases and an artillery battery has two guns. The infantry regiment may have up to one grenadier company and/or one light infantry company. To cover the larger size of most Hussar regiments, consider the unit represents a battalion (half a regiment) or add an extra squadron. Dragoon regiments may add a squadron of light dragoons where appropriate. Each regiment will need a Colonel (I use my existing brigadiers for this).

Unit cohesion is represented by all the companies being within 6" of another or the Colonel unless performing a compulsory morale action, rout, etc. Cavalry and artillery can be up to 12" apart. Colonels wherever possible should be with a nominated company/squadron.

Morale changes (morale effect firing or being charged test)
Colonel with unit +1
More senior officer +2

Morale changes (shaken)
Any other sub unit of the regiment routing last move -1

I have been testing an alternative being charged test but I'll cover this in a separate variant.

Loss for regimental colours if the subunit carrying them routs as a result of an enemy charge roll 2d6 a result of 11 or 12 means the colour was lost. If the rout was from melee a roll of 10 or higher results in the colour being lost. Optional effect of the loss of the colour roll 1d6 3 or less -1 on any shaken morale tests; 4 or 5; no effect 6 +1 on any shaken morale tests.
If a regiment remains stationary without firing or suffering any casualties then the Colonel may reallocate strength points between the sub-units, provided none exceed their original value. This allows the disbanding of a weak sub-unit in order to strengthen the remainder.
Other options:
  • Forcing the companies to adopt their correct positions by seniority - having had one infantry regiment in the Hetzenberg game get out of order, it was quite confusing and I guess the difficulties of command and control in this situation was why the ordering was used a lot despite the apparent effort involved..
  • Square can only be formed by regiment

Monday, 2 February 2009

French Revolution variant

I'm going to use the AWI rules with my French and Austrian forces and initially I'll use the rules fairly straight, but I'm sure in time they will change.

Firstly I want to represent the faster French manoeuvring, so I will incorporate the go-for-it rule from Bloodbowl. Once movement is completed the French player can attempt to move one unit per general an extra 3" if infantry or 6" if cavalry.  on a roll of 4+ they will succeed.

Commanders will be able to "inspire" units this will directly effect the units basic morale when under fire, etc.  I will probably give commanders a separate inspiration value to reflect this.  When it is applied the commander in positioned with the unit, but at the front/side, when attached normally they will go to the rear.  Hopefully this will reflect actions such as the bridge at Arcole.  The downside is that the same "inspiration" is added to any risk to general roll thus increasing the chance of injury!

Permitted formations will now include a battalion square (2 bases back to back) and a regimental square (4 bases in a block with one base pointing in each direction), either taking a full move to form

Austrian units my be "stubborn" so that if they receive a rout result from a shaken test, it may be converted to a retire a full move shaken instead on a roll of 4+.

Please use the comments to suggest further ideas